Sell on Makalu e Traders with 0% Marketplace Fees.*

Seller Policy

1. As sellers, you can register with us with 0 % marketplace fee.

2. Stock, Price and Order are to be manged by the seller themselves.

3. As per the placement of the order , Makalu E-Traders will pick up the products from the seller after confirmation from the customer and deliver them to the customer.

4. The sellers are responsible for the packaging and the isuue of the VAT bill or either PAN bill invoice to the customer for the sold products.

5. The sellers are held responsible incase the goods are sold to the customers without issuing invoice.

6. Incase of any defect found , the seller are to be held accountable for the product.

7. The seller must accept the goods if the buyer wants to return them given that the condition of the goods are in acceptable form within 3 days of the purchase date.

8. Incase of replacement request from the buyer, the seller must be able to provide the requested good or refund the amount incase the product is out of stock/unavailable.

9. The payment will be made online to the sellers after the delivery of the goods to the customer within seven days. 20% commission is to be deducted by Makalu E-Traders on the sold items.

10. The sellers are accountable for the warranty of the goods issued.

11. Incase the goods are lost/damaged on the way to the delivery, Makalu E-Traders will take the full responsibility and will take the best alterantive to imdemnify the loss to the seller.